How We Got Here


Eating can be a confusing business. We might do it three times a day, every day, yet somehow eating healthily has suddenly become seriously complicated. In fact, it seems anything that’s a common household staple, is open for debate, and at risk of being BANNED from your kitchen forever. Instead, food must come from the depths of the Amazon, or high up in the Himalayas. Furthermore, it must be either, organic, anti-oxidant, gluten-free…Surely there’s an easier way than this? Welcome to Re:Fresh Nutrition.


Re:Fresh Nutrition took root a few years back, having worked with a number of organisations and agencies and guided friends and family through the wonderful world of exercise, nutrition and ultimately weight management and lifestyle change…for the long-term. This re-ignited a passion for helping people achieve their goals and realise their potential in life.

What followed from this was a period of research and development in the areas of weight management, but also exploring further areas of interest, identifying other engaging subjects that people could relate to and assist in creating real AND meaningful change. Our focus is now on community-based programmes and supporting business to motivate and encourage staff to promote healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. At Re:Fresh Nutrition we also strive to work with individuals to overcome issues with weight management and understand our complex relationship with food. We ONLY offer a holistic, person-centred approach with practical ideas, encouraging you to take back control and responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.